What we resist persists

Workout Oh, how I loathe working out. Yes, it does always make me feel better, the tightness  in my muscles signaling I did more than sit at my desk for hours feels great, but it is  such a chore. I resist working out, always have, and wow do I have an old tape  playing in my head offering me a million distractions. Today, I saw this for what it  was-Resistance. Pushing back and pushing away what I know is good for me. I am s  so good at this. Maybe too good. The cycle goes like this: Work out hard a couple  months, I am loving the results, then something derails me, then I stop, then I talk  myself out of it, and then I am a brat about it when I start back up again. It takes  quite a while to shake this mindset off.


So, what did I do today to get me over the hurdle? 1. Put it into the Cozi (I love Cozi). 2. Turned on the work out video while I played with my distractions, doing dishes, cleaning up the house, and laundry. The music repeating over and over again in the background was this annoying and constant reminder to not give in to my resistance, yet again, for the millionth time. Taking action towards my resistance was just what I needed to finally be on the other side of it….this time. How long will it last? Who knows, but these 2 simple steps got me over the hump.